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  1. Partner out trumping my lead

    I have noticed, when I play high card in trump, rather than throwing low, my partner will throw his highest trump to win the hand, which is worthless because I already had it. Then next time around my partner could have had high trump but they don't because they already wasted it! If it was my partner in real life I would be calling them an idiot quite frequently!

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  2. Option to make team who captures most cards wins 20 points

    Currently there's bonus points for most tricks, but this doesn't include the cards you can win on the last trick.

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  3. Reveal Top Nest Card

    Give an option to at least show the top card in the nest. This is common gameplay and changes the game immensely.

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  4. Add a little rook

    We play with only the 5 through 14 cards of each suit, but we also add the black 1 as a “little“ rook. It is worth 20 points just like the big rook, but the big bird overrules the little rook. The little rook overrules 14s and everything else. Top possible score is 140 and there are six cards in the kitty instead of five. I think it makes the game a little more interesting and would like to see that option available.

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  5. Add additional rules regarding which cards can be placed in the nest.

    We always played that you could put whichever cards you wanted in the nest and they were yours regardless of who won the last hand

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  6. Idea for a new variation.

    The way that I learned to play Rook is by using the bird card as the highest trump. The black 2 was known as the little rook. 1s were also used. 2s, 3s, and 4s were removed except the black two. Rook is worth 20 points, black 2 is worth 20, 1s worth 15, 14s and 10s worth 10 and 5s worth 5. Totaling 200 points per hand. 1s are highest in a suit followed by 14s and so forth. The black 2 is the next highest trump after the bird card.

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  7. Continuous game

    If a player doesn't respond in a certain amount of time it closes the game out. You should make it so a game can be paused and resumed later.

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  8. change how the AI plays in certain situations.

    While playing in a custom game with 1s and the Blackbird as the lowest trump:

    The AI player(whose team had not taken the bid) had two trumps, the 14 and the BB. It played the 14 after another player led the 1, leaving it with the BB(lowest trump). It promptly lost the BB on the next hand. Almost every player I have played with would sacrifice the Bird to keep a guaranteed winning card. Similarly, I have seen the AI play a 13 prematurely which would have been the high trump for the next hand instead of giving up a…

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  9. 2 votes

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  10. 2 votes

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  11. Bid vs. Pull

    Currently all points collected go directly to ones score (excluding when 'set'). However, my family has always played a more intriguing rule. Successful bidders only get what they bid, NOT what they 'pull'. E.g. If I win the bid at 130, but pull 160, I am only awarded 130. Thus bidding requires more guts and better reward for higher risk. Currently, bidding is chilled because there's no risk/reward in bidding higher. Could you include this as an option?

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  12. Option to remove 'The Rest Are Mine'

    Thanks for the app, easily one of my favorite apps on my phone. Would prefer to not know when I'm at the point where I can win the rest of the tricks. Thanks.

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  13. Give option to not have a nest

    My family has played Rook through many generations. We are well aware we have our own rules. We don't have a nest. The dealer passes 14 cards to each player and puts one to the side. Whoever takes the bid, gets the look at the middle card and decide to keep it or not. If they keep it, they can only discard a non-pointer and no trump. If they pick up a pointer, they have to keep it.

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  14. "Checking"

    We played with a rule set that allowed teammates to defer to the partner's bid (so as not to outbid them) while maintaining the right to bid later. We called this "checking." Is there a way to implement this rule? Also, how can I help support this game. It's terrific!

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  15. Nest Top Card Shown

    Could you include this item in the game?

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  16. When playing the computer, more fair on the deal.

    I think the game is fun & it's great to be able to customize the settings; however, it's a bit unfair on the deal when playing the computer. The computer seems to always have the rook card, the highest cards of each suit, as well as the red One, when it's enabled. After a while, it kind of takes out the fun. Other than that, great job on the app.

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  17. Make computer players more aggressive bidders

    I set the minimum bid at 120, and now I always take the bid; the computer players don't bid up from there. But, you almost always make a bid of 120 (and often much more!) so the bids should be in the 130-140 range to make it interesting.

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  18. Teammate

    Have it so your teammate will throw a one per say or a high card on points that I threw on the truck when there is no way the opponent can trump it. Like when the hand ends on him. I've lost a lot of games because of that

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  19. Who ever wrote the program for the partner of the player is an idiot.

    If there is a red 10 in the crib that is not trump and your partner has two 14s one the same color as the 10 that was in the crib and you get down to two cards left to play the person leading leads a trump card and your partner is so stupid they throw the red 14 and keep a green 14. Who wrote that program

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  20. Wanting partner to lead

    When you or your partner wins the bid you should have the option to keep the nest or give it to you partner if you already have a strong hand. You should also be able to decide if you want your partner to lead knowing that you don't have the black bird card and trying to figure out if your partner or someone else has it so you can bleed it out of your opponents.

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